About us at Sylviidae

We are Raef and Layla Johnson, we live in rural South Somerset with our two young daughters and our current two Field Spaniels Mavis and Penelope.

Having two young daughters we were looking for a family dog that would fit into our outdoorsy Somerset life, I, Layla come from a family of dog enthusiasts, her Grandparents worked showed and bred German Shorthaired Points and went to dog shows with her Aunt who shows and owns Rhodesian Ridgebacks, so naturally Layla knew one day she would have a show dog of her own when the time was right.

I decided it was time to make the dream come true whilst pregnant with my second daughter, I just had to find the right breed naturally drawn towards gun dogs but not sure I had the stamina for a HPR I one day stumbled across a ‘brown spaniel’ after lots of internet research and a trip to try and meet some in person at Crufts I knew it had to be a Field Spanie!

Our story started in earnest early 2017, we were lucky enough to be allowed a black dog puppy from the Stone family - Sonnetend

We have truly become passionate about Field spaniels and doing what we can to help this wonderful vulnerable native breed and are active members of the Field Spaniel Society.